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2023 - Week 13 - Spring has Sprung

Posted on:April 2, 2023 at 04:00 AM

Cherry Blossoms in Bremerton

I mean, as much as Spring can have sprung in the PNW. While this is the 10th or 12th Spring like warmup since Winter began, this time it follows the actual solstice and is of the actual Spring. The cherry blossoms are blooming and it’s beautiful. The weather this week as been very mild and pleasant with the typical gloomy mornings before the cloud cover burns / moves off and is replaced by blue skies and sun.

The theme of this week continues to be consolidation and organization. The number of Amazon deliveries may appear absurd to the outside world, but the new shelves, baskets, totes, and other organization tools are critical to getting a handle on living in a smaller home.

Also, Ollie needs new treats, toys, and clothes 😅

Sunday of this week saw Lou returning from her adventures on the other side of the cascades that I talked about last week.

Monday was uneventful.

Tuesday Oz began their new acting classes and they worked on a scene from The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, a play adapted from the delightful Kate DiCamillo. They expressed having had a good time, though they also expressed feeling a little anxiety. It was an opportunity for us to chat about the fact that the other kids were also new to this class and many were probably first time players while they, Oz, were actually a veteran. Perhaps next week’s class will feel less uncomfortable.

Wednesday I went to my dentist as it was time to have impressions made so that crowns can be crafted and I can finally have lower molars again. I’m very excited about finally having those chompers, but the act of getting the impressions done, having the dentist screwing and unscrewing hardware in my mind, and such, was all rather unpleasant. I guess it’s worth it, and I’m deeply grateful that I am able to afford this type of dental care now, but a lot of this process was unpleasant and I would encourage anyone to do their level best to avoid losing their teeth and having to endure an experience like my own.

Wednesday was also another Infinity RPG session with the gang. Mostly we focused on regrouping and catching our breath after our first fight and focusing on deciding which quest to pursue next. We’re thinking we’ll try to prevent the mass murder of a significant portion of the Human Sphere through destruction of crops in favor of a native grass. We’re all hoping our missing squad mate will emerge from the wormhole that swallowed him (after the player became a father again for the second time) will spit him back out next week. :laughing:

This week we also got a new HP Reverb G2 VR headset. This was something for which Oz has been begging for some time. They have a deep fixation on VR. They also got Bonelab as their first VR title, besides, of course, Phasmaphobia. It’s a pretty solid upgrade from the experience provided by the OG PSVR for sure. I’m still somewhat equilibriumally challenged as I have been since I experienced suffering from BPPV a few years back. :(

I’ve long felt that VR is woefully outdated. We were supposed to have AIs and immersive VR and jet packs and flying cars by now. Instead we have-

Well, we have what we have.

This week we saw the indictment for the first time of a former POTUS

I’m feeling a sort of excitement about a few personal projects. I have a multitude of things that I want to do and it’s hard to figure out where to focus my energy. It does help to actually feel excitement about something. I spent some time starting one project that I hope doesn’t wind up derelict like so many others

It’s frustrating when I’m rarely excited about the work I’m actually supposed to be doing- whether for mu job for dealing with the backlog of unfinished projects and tidying that needs did- not to mention the pile of hard drives from old computers that need my attention

Friday was my good friend Bald Mike’s birthday. He’s on a cross country train journey from Chicago to L.A. that will have him, and his partner, stopping in my region for a day. I’m excited because we’re going to meet up with them and take in a game at T-Mobile Park, which will be the first time I’ll be attending a baseball match in some years. The last game I saw was at Target Field in Minneapolis having taken the family on the train into the city to take in a Twins Game.

This next week will be Oz’s Spring break and they’re excited, especially about the opportunity to play too much VR 😅

We’ve also got another vet appointment for Ollie on Wednesday, and we will start puppy socialization classes either this, or perhaps the following, Thursday.

Today I ran to Saboteur Bakery for their delicious quiche and twice baked treats. Their bakery is delicious and I absolutely love Manette, particularly on a crisp Spring Saturday morning like this one. The view of the Olympics from the Manette bridge this morning was absolutely jaw dropping. All of Bremerton and the Kitsap peninsula had low cloud cover while the Olympic mountains were sunny and clear, which created a really incredible forced perspective effect. it was lovely!

Anyway, in terms of things to which I’m attempting to remain accountable, there’s this post that I’ve completed and I also completed my Thursday Hike. Admittedly I was a little shy of 5 miles. The timing for this hike was a little off because my chiropractor was running behind (moreso than usual) and I went out past his office to Newberry Hill heritage park.

Having completed that obligation, I will leave this as is (and I will stop promising to treat them as works in progress as though I’ll come back to them, I have so many posts I want to complete and just haven’t gotten to, I haven’t even posted about Ollie and Arizona! :scream:)

Have a great week!